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In 2016, Kajsa Tylen spent 365 days on a bicycle, in a successful attempt to set a new Guinness World Record for the Furthest Distance Cycled in a Year by a woman. She clocked up 52,025 km (32,326 miles) in those 365 days, and battled injuries as well as the weather to achieve her goal. In order to inject a sense of adventure she, rather than ride the same roads the entire year, decided to cycle to her birth-country of Sweden and spend some time seeing the country, and even rode through the midnight sun in the northern parts.


What makes Kajsa’s achievement more extraordinary is that when she started off on the 1st of January 2016, she had only been cycling for just over 3 years.


365 days / 52.025 km / 2711hrs / 207.736 m elevation gain


Daily average:
142,53 KM / 7h 25m / 569 m elevation gain


Longest ride: 
300,3km / 15h 02m 59sec / 1.512 m elevation gain


Avg Kcal per KM: 10,99
Avg Kcal per day: 1567 Kcal  
Total Kcal: 572000
961 Fruit scones with jams and whipped cream burned.


Temperature (Celcius):
Low -3 / avg: 11.9 / high: 34.3


Wind speed:
Low: 0.3 m/s / 1.1 kph / 0.6 mph 

Avg: 4.6 m/s / 16.6 kph / 10.3 mph 

High: 17.5 m/s / 64.1 kph / 39.8 mph (8 bft.)


Avg wind direction: 
192 degrees / S-SW


Humidity (%): 
Low: 19 / avg: 78.9 / High: 99 


Visibility (m):
Low: 100 / avg: 2635 / high: 16100

The Gear


Here's a run down of all the gear for the record attempt.




"Billie" is a Specialized Ruby Comp 2015 in grey and fuchsia, generously supplied by Leisure Lakes Bikes in Breaston, Nottingham.





My aerobars are paired with a fantastic dual-postition seatpost from Redshift Sports. These allow me to alter my position on a regular basis, which will keep the pain away and me sane. As an ambassador, I can get you a 10% discount, using discount code 'KAJSA10'.



Wheels are a beautiful set from Hope Technology. I asked what they wanted in return for supplying the wheels, they simply said that I should let people know how far one set of bearings can get you!



Top tube bag and saddle bag from Apidura. These are excellent quality, lightweight bags, where I can fit just the right amount for a decent 100-miler, including a change of clothes and a packed lunch.



After 8 months of discomfort I got the Infinity Bike Seat and my life changed. The saddle is amazing. Use discount code KAJSA20 for $20 off.




Chapeau! kindly supplied the loveliest, most comfy shorts I could imagine (Classic Bib Shorts), as well as base layers, jerseys and the most gorgeous, and effective, rain jacket and gilet.

Billie Fleming


The previous women’s record for Furthest Distance Cycled in a Year was set in 1938. On 1 January, a British lady named Billie Dovey (later married to take the name Fleming) set out to ride as far as she could in a year, in order to promote and inspire a healthy lifestyle for women. She rode every day, on a 3-speed road bike, and achieved an astounding 29,603 miles, often finishing the day giving a talk on the health benefits of cycling.


Cycling world record


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